Wednesday, May 2, 2007

This Makes The Skeleton in Your High School Bio Class Look Tame

So, apparently people are signing up for this process called "plastination" after they die so that their bodies can be preserved forever. "Preserved" may not be the right word, more like they will look like statues and be able to be taken apart by dozens of mischevious 2nd and 3rd graders on the yearly field trip to the Science Center.

...plastination, a process in which body fluids are replaced by liquid plastic. The plastic hardens, leaving tissues intact and allowing bodies to be displayed in their natural color and without formaldehyde.

The process was made popular by Gunther von Hagens' "Body Worlds," a controversial anatomy exhibit that puts real human specimens on view. Most are flayed and dissected, revealing their organs. Others are kept intact and displayed in dramatic action poses, such as a basketball player driving to the hoop or a runner in full stride.

So, don't consider me the first in line to have my dead, crystallized body turned into a runner for little kids to look at and be grossed out. I'd like a little more honor in death, thank you.
(via CNN) Thousands sign up for journey beyond death

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