Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Yay, Plastic Bags Finally Good for Something

A new microwave contraption has been developed that turns classic garden variety plastic bags into oil and gas. (Back from whence you came, plastic bag!) This is good news on two fronts. First, oil is yummy and we are addicted to it. Secondly, plastic bags are clogging our waterways and killing our birds and fish because they apparently try to eat the damn things. See National Geographic article here.

All that is needed, claims Global Resource Corporation (GRC), is a finely tuned microwave and – hey presto! – a mix of materials that were made from oil can be reduced back to oil and combustible gas (and a few leftovers).

Key to GRC’s process is a machine that uses 1200 different frequencies within the microwave range, which act on specific hydrocarbon materials. As the material is zapped at the appropriate wavelength, part of the hydrocarbons that make up the plastic and rubber in the material are broken down into diesel oil and combustible gas.

So, watch out grocery stores. Soon oil barons will be stealing your plastic bags to turn into oil to sell at outrageous prices.
(via New Scientist) Giant microwave turns plastic back to oil

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